Code means this Khyati Multimedia Entertainment Limited Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, as modified from time to time. This code shall be applicable to all the Directors, Officers and Designed Employees, both present and future. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics helps ensure compliance with our standards of business conduct & ethics and also with regulatory requirements. All Senior Management Personnel are expected to read and understand this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, also comply with all applicable standards, policies and procedures of the company.
As a responsible corporate citizen, Khyati Multimedia Entertainment Limited has always believed in following highest standards of Corporate Governance. Being a listed Company, every act of the Company, its Board Members and its employees is the focus of public attention and accordingly, there is a need to reinforce KMEL commitment towards maintaining highest standards of Corporate Governance.
The Company’s vision is based on inspiring creative potential in human assets of the Company. This is possible only in an environment where the rights of those around us are respected. In this direction, the Company shall: treat individuals in all aspects of employment solely on the basis of ability irrespective of race, caste, creed, religion, age, disability, gender or marital status, and not tolerate any kind of harassment.
Company has appointed a Compliance Officer who shall report to the Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer. The Compliance Officer unless otherwise specifically stated shall mean the company secretary of the Company or any other officer assigned the responsibilities for compliance of the Regulations.
The appointed Compliance Officer is responsible for setting forth policies, procedures, monitoring to comply the rules for the preservation of Price-sensitive Information, monitoring of trades and the implementation of the code of conduct under the overall supervision of the Board of the Company.
Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement contains the rules on Corporate Governance.
The Company strives to foster a corporate culture in which stable standards of ethical behavior, individual accountability and transparent disclosure are ingrained in its business dealings and shared by its Board of Directors, Management and Employees.
The Company has established systems & procedures to ensure that its Board of Directors is well-informed and well-equipped to fulfill its overall responsibilities and to provide the management strategic direction it needs to create long-term shareholder value.
The Company is committed to disclose in its financial statements all the information required to be disclosed under the relevant accounting standards or under any laws or regulations. It is essential to record all the transactions fully and properly in the financial statements. The fees and compensation payable to the Directors – both executive and non-executive, shall be fixed by the Board and approved by the shareholders as per the applicable provisions of law and the same will be fully disclosed in the Annual Report to the Members. The Auditors shall be provided full access to all information and records of the Company.
All Directors/ Officers / Designated employees shall maintain the confidentiality of all Price Sensitive Information. They shall not pass on such information to any person directly or indirectly by way of making a recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities. The following shall be deemed to be price sensitive information:
The Company must ensure that any information which relates directly or indirectly, to KMEL, and which if published is likely to materially affect the price of shares / securities of KMEL in the market not disclose by any Directors, Officers and Designed Employees, both present and future.
Trading Window: The Company shall specify a trading period, to be called “trading window”, for trading in the Company’s securities. The Trading Window shall remain closed 48 Hrs. before the due date of the Board Meeting / AGM. The trading window shall be closed during the time the information referred to in below para is un-published.
The trading window shall be, inter alia, closed at the time of
When the trading window is closed, the designated employees, directors/ officers shall not trade in the company’s securities in such period.
The trading window shall be opened 24 hours after the information referred to in above para is made public. All directors/ officers/designated employees of the company shall conduct all their dealings in the securities of the Company only in a valid trading window and shall not deal in any transaction involving the purchase or sale of the company’s securities during the periods when trading window is closed.
All employees and people in the organisation are expected to conduct their activities with the Company’s best interests in mind. Khyati Multimedia Entertainment Limited respects the right of employees to take part in financial, business and other activities outside their jobs. However, these external activities must not place an employee in an actual or apparent conflict with his or her responsibilities to KMEL.
Additionally, other part-time employment, consulting or other business relationships may detract from your job performance, and so all non- KMEL employment or consulting must be fully disclosed and written approval received before proceeding.
Without prejudice to the directions under regulation 11 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation 1992, if any person violates provisions of these regulations, he shall be liable for appropriate action under section 11, 11B, 11D, Chapter VIA and section 24 of the SEBI Act.
Address : 100, Chinubhai Tower, Opp. Handloom House, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad – 380 009.
Phone : +91 079 26584335 / 265823983
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